Got a story to share?

We live in a world that desperately needs to know that there is hope, that life can be different through relationship with God. Voice in the Dark Publishing is passionate to spread this Good News through publishing stories of the transforming power of God’s love in the lives of His people. There are three platforms we are using: books; anthologies (a collection of stories around a theme, for example: breaking free from pornography; healing after domestic violence; recovering from trauma), and sort stories presented in blog style. However, this does not need to be daunting or only for those who feel confident with writing. There are several ways in which you can partner with us. You can write your story in points or fully; you can tell your story orally (voice recording) and we will transcribe it; or you could tell your story via an interview which could be presented as a podcast or video. Some questions that might give you more of an idea of what we are looking for include (but are not limited to): “What was your life like before God intervened? What was happening?” “What were you struggling with in relationships, emotions or behaviours?” “What did God show you, teach you, change or heal in you?” “What did you learn about God and/or yourself in this process?” “How is life different now?” If you are interested in being a Voice in the Dark, take the next step today! It’s as simple as sending us a message to say, “I think I have a story to share”.